WordPress logoUAMS websites run on WordPress and are centrally-managed by Communications and Marketing.

WordPress powers 27% of the world’s websites and is available as a platform for hosting and maintaining University websites and blogs for schools, colleges, administrative units, academic centers, research labs and other university-sponsored initiatives, programs and collaborations.

Through WordPress, Communications and Marketing is able to provide a consistent UAMS-branded user experience as well as deliver mobile-friendly content.

Here’s what you can do with WordPress

  • Create unlimited pages and categories to display content.
  • Take advantage of automatic archiving and search capabilities.
  • Easily add audio and video to your site.
  • Customize your site by choosing from a small library of themes.
  • Web-based and works on a Mac or PC—no software to install.

Branding Guidelines

Any website created for official university communications is required to follow UAMS branding guidelines and should include the following:

  • A UAMS branded theme.
  • Follow UAMS editorial style guidelines.
  • Include bold and impactful imagery.